Thursday, 9 April 2015

How to hit your drives farther than ever from Dustin Johnson

I've been working hard to get ready for this season. With golf, there's always room to improve—and that often means off the tee. Although I've ranked in the top four in driving distance every year since 2007, I know I can hit it even farther without sacrificing control. Check out some of the adjustments I'm making for when I want to bomb one. Give them a try, and you'll be longer than ever, too.

Odyssey 'Milled Collection' make their way to U.S.

In the golf equipment business it is not unusual to see ideas that debut in Asia eventually make their way to the U.S. market. That’s the case with Odyssey’s latest putter creation, the Milled Collection.

Puma's new golf shoes!

As casual footwear styles continue to cross over into golf shoes, officials at Puma Golf believe there's an opportunity to bend the trend slightly.

R Nachimuthu ungguli hari ke-2 PGM Johor pada sesi pagi

Sumber foto: theclubhouse

Pemain golf tempatan R. Nanchimuthu terus mengungguli hari kedua pada kejohanan PGM Johor Championship dengan melakukan 68 pukulan, 4 dibawah par untuk terus berada di puncak dengan 12 dibawah keseluruhan, manakala rakan senegara Nicholas Fung berada di tangga kedua dengan 11 dibawah par selepas melakukan 67 pukulan pada hari ke-2.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Bombtech Grenade & Power Blit Air Force One driver clubs!

Semalam aku saja je browse internet tengok-tengok macam-macam jenis golf clubs (tengok je sebab tak mampu nak beli) hahahah..Dalam duk browse-browse tu terjumpa la driver baru nama dia gempak tu yang buat aku nak taw brand apakah ini sebab tak pernah tengok pun.